A history professor from the Université de Montréal has drawn ire after reportedly creating social media posts that take a pro-Russian stance on the Ukraine invasion. The Montreal Gazette and Radio-Canada report that Michael Jabara Carley created multiple tweets asserting that Russia is freeing Ukraine from the “fascists” and “Ukrainian Nazis,” and that the war is against “a rotten fascist government in Ukraine.” UMontréal spokesperson Geneviève O’Meara responded by saying the professor is entitled to freedom of expression “[s]o he can express his opinion on social media, although that opinion clashes with the words of other experts on the same subject.” Montréal Gazette| 98.5 FM| Radio Canada Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.
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UMontréal history professor draws ire after pro-Russian social media posts
Montréal Gazette
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| Montréal Gazette