Universities must play a pivotal role in the recovery of the Canadian economy: Gertler

When campuses begin to come back to life and in-person activity ramps up again, writes University of Toronto President Meric Gertler in a recent editorial, Canada’s universities will need to consider the role they will play in the country’s recovery. Reflecting on the interpersonal and community losses felt both at institutional campuses and across society more generally, Gertler highlights three key responsibilities for universities. He recommends ensuring that campuses are places that accommodate and enable discussions about difficult issues; foster diverse excellence in all forms; and provide equal access to education and opportunities for students, faculty, and staff. “As we continue our return to campus, let’s focus on breaking down barriers to access, educating citizens, fostering debate, and engaging difference,” said Gertler. “In doing so, we will demonstrate to society how to do these things well, and why it matters.” University Affairs Note: Archived stories may contain dead links or be missing source links.

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