The University of Winnipeg celebrated the launch of new Rocky Cree language resources—an app and teacher’s guide based on the Amō’s Sapotawan picture book—as part of the Six Seasons of Asiniskaw Ithiniwak language revitalization project. “As described by the Knowledge Keepers on the project, collaboration means walking this path together side by side,” said Six Seasons project director Dr Mavis Reimer. “The practice of collaboration really shapes all aspects of our project: the research and creation of picture books, apps, and teacher’s guides.” The AMO app includes Rocky Cree and English narrations of the book; book text in Cree, English, and syllabics; songs and notes that add additional context to the story; and participatory games. The teacher’s guide is designed to support educators who are using the book and app in the classroom; it consists of four thematic modules with teaching strategies and connections to Manitoba’s curricula.