Top Ten News

Aug 21, 2024 • ON

The Government of Ontario has announced that colleges will no longer be allowed to enter new contracts or arrangements to offer postsecondary programming outside of Canada. Departing minister of colleges and universities Jill Dunlop said that the moratorium will cover the establishment of new branch campuses, partnerships/curriculum licensing agreements, curriculum development arrangements, and more. Existing international activities will be allowed to continue without expansion, and student recruitment and research partnerships will not be affected. Colleges Ontario President Marketa Evans expressed alarm over the change. “These entrepreneurial initiatives help offset costs to ensure that college programs stay open for Ontarians,” said Evans. “We at Colleges Ontario are increasingly concerned about the strength of the sector and its ability to continue to deliver for Ontarians.”

The Star

Top Ten News

Aug 21, 2024 • QC

Starting this academic year, Collège de Rosemont will officially be renamed Cégep de Rosemont. This alignment with Québec’s cégep system aims to provide a clearer understanding of the institution’s role as a postsecondary institution in the community. Rosemont directrice Générale Caroline Roy noted that this change will also help those seeking training and employment in the cégep education network to more easily identify and recognize the institution. While Rosemont’s visual identity will remain largely unchanged, slight adjustments will be made to the logo to reflect the new name.


Top Ten News

Aug 21, 2024 • International

In an opinion piece for eCampusNews, Dr Marc Owen Jones (Northwestern University in Qatar) emphasizes the urgent need to teach critical thinking to combat the spread of disinformation. The author argues that the advent of AI has ushered in a new wave of disinformation, threatening the delivery of accurate information and eroding public trust in key institutions. However, Jones asserts that equipping students with critical thinking and digital literacy skills can curb the spread of disinformation. “By becoming more knowledgeable about what disinformation is, as well as different countries, cultures, and subjects, we can better navigate the array of disinformation scenarios in the digital world and foster a questioning mindset,” concludes Jones.


Top Ten News

Aug 21, 2024 • QC

A new report published by the Observatoire québécois des inégalités provides an overview of education in Québec, focusing on access issues. The report reveals that postsecondary education participation in QC has significantly increased over the past three decades, in large part due to the cégep system. However, the report also identifies significant socioeconomic disparities in postsecondary access and graduation. The report concludes by recommending that QC’s postsecondary institutions document and address the barriers faced by students from less advantaged backgrounds to ensure their educational success. Researchers from the Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Université du Québec à Montréal, Université de Montréal, and Université du Québec à Chicoutimi collaborated to produce the report.


Top Ten News

Aug 21, 2024 • AB

Olds College of Agriculture and Technology recently renewed an existing local partnership and established several new international collaborations. The college has extended its Smart Farm partnership with Farm Credit Canada (FCC)–which began in 2019–for another five years. This extension includes a renewed financial commitment from FCC aimed at fostering innovation, sustainability, and success in the agriculture and food industries. Additionally, Olds signed three Memorandums of Understanding with the Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Tarlac Agriculture University in the Philippines, and Shinhan University in South Korea, respectively. These agreements focus on exploring exchange opportunities, developing dual-degree programs, and fostering collaboration in agriculture-related programming.

Olds (1), Olds (2), The Albertan

Top Ten News

Aug 21, 2024 • ON

Georgian College is launching a new micro-credential that aims to empower educators to use AI tools in the classroom. The Artificial Intelligence for Educators micro-credential is a six-week, fully online program covering topics such as AI fundamentals, tools for teachers and students, adaptive AI learning tools, and ethical considerations. Offered through the college’s Continuing Education department, the program aims to enhance teaching skills by exploring AI tools and applications, and their integration into the educational landscape. “By combining self-paced learning with the personal touch of interactive, online live sessions, we’ve created a unique experience for educators to learn about a big tech topic in a friendly, engaging space,” said Georgian College Manager of Continuing Education and Corporate Training Rob Smith.

Georgian College

Top Ten News

Aug 21, 2024 • QC

The Université du Québec à Chicoutimi’s regional boreal forest research observatory has received $1.5M from the Government of Québec to advance its strategic monitoring and scientific research. With this funding, the Observatoire régional de recherche sur la forêt boréale will investigate emerging issues related to forest biodiversity, vulnerability, and productivity. The observatory will also intensify its knowledge production and dissemination efforts to raise awareness about good forest management practices. Observatory directeur Yan Boucher stated that this provincial support will help the observatory focus on strengthening the resilience of communities and forests and support them in adapting to the context of climate change.


Top Ten News

Aug 21, 2024 • BC

After learning that the University of Victoria would be closing its McKinnon Pool, the community has rallied to support keeping it open and to urge the university to reconsider its decision. Last month, the community was informed that the pool—which is in need of $1.5M in repairs—would close by September 15th. Former Olympic swimmer Wayne Kelly initiated an online petition to save the pool, which caught the attention of Victoria Times Colonist editor and publisher Dave Obee, who offered to help launch a fundraiser to raise the $1.5M. CBC reports that Obee contacted UVic to confirm that the funds, if raised, would guarantee the pool’s continued operation, but did not receive a response.


Top Ten News

Aug 21, 2024 • International

In a recent Indian Independence Day address, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pledged to bolster the Indian postsecondary system to keep Indian youth from going abroad for higher education. Modi promised to build an education system that attracts international students and makes studying in India more appealing. “I do not want the youth of my country to be forced to study abroad,” said Modi, who emphasized that India must prepare for fast-paced development. Times Higher Education reports that India’s Ministry of External Affairs recently released data showing that that 1.33M Indian students are studying abroad in 2024; the top destination listed for Indian students is Canada, with 427,000 students enrolled as of January 1, 2024.

The Pie News, Times Higher Ed (Acct Req)

Top Ten News

Aug 21, 2024 • ON

Redeemer University will be launching several new programs in the 2024-25 academic year. These include micro-credentials in church leadership and certificates in not-for-profit management, pre-law, and liberal arts. Redeemer is also planning to introduce its first graduate programs within the next two years. These new options aim to diversify the university’s offerings and meet student needs. “Together, we anticipate the future with hope, and we pray also that God will grant wisdom as we remain rooted and built up in him,” said Redeemer President David Zietsma.
