UoGuelph, Cégep GIM investigate alternative housing options after residences hit capacity

As residences fill up at the University of Guelph and Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles, both institutions are looking into alternative housing options for their incoming students. UoGuelph is reportedly looking at options such as increasing on-campus residence spaces and partnering with the community for off-campus housing after facing criticism from Guelph’s mayor for its housing waitlist. Meanwhile, Cégep GIM has announced that its student residences are full and that it has a waitlist in place for housing. The cégep has compiled a list of accommodations in the regions that it serves, partnered with a private provider to offer housing in the Gaspé region, and begun to develop its supply of student housing.

CBC (UoGuelph) | CTV News (UoGuelph) | Cégep GIM