Top Ten News

Jun 01, 2023 • ON

St Lawrence College will upgrade its health sciences learning centres across all three of its campuses thanks to nearly $1M in funding from various donors. SLC Cornwall will transform its paramedic training facilities, equipping the spaces with video-capture capabilities and equipment to offer simulation-based learning. Both SLC Brockville and Kingston will establish Speciality Nursing Labs fitted with state-of-the-art equipment and technology. SLC Dean, Health and Wellness Dr Barb LeBlanc said that in addition to serving SLC students, the nursing labs will also “serve as a destination for upskilling and reskilling current healthcare professionals, inviting providers from across Eastern Ontario and beyond to upgrade or increase their repertoire of specialized nursing credentials.”

Whig Standard, SLC

Top Ten News

Jun 01, 2023 • NS

Acadia University has taken in evacuees from Shelburne County’s Roseway Manor nursing home who were evacuated as a precautionary measure amid the ongoing wildfires in Nova Scotia. This week, approximately 66 nursing home residents and 40 caregivers began arriving to Acadia’s Wolfville campus, where they have temporarily moved into Acadia’s Chase Court residence. “We are impressed by how carefully the Macleod Group’s Roseway Manor team is executing their evacuation plan, and we are pleased to support their needs at such a challenging time,” said Acadia Director of Safety and Security Patrick Difford.

Acadia, Global News

Top Ten News

Jun 01, 2023 • BC

Royal Roads University has received a $196K donation from TD Bank Group to support its farming projects and mission to tackle food insecurity. The donation will support an expansion of the Giving Garden, which provides food for those experiencing food insecurity, including seniors, single parents, newcomers to Canada, and students. RRU will also establish the Market Garden, an initiative that will supply produce for a campus farm stand; revenues from this will be reinvested into the farm. The university also plans to establish an Indigenous Medicine Garden and a Polyculture Orchard, and aims to double the number of trees and biodiversity in the area within the next two years.

RRU, CHEK News, Vic News

Top Ten News

Jun 01, 2023 • ON, PEI

The University of Prince Edward Island and Western University both have announced increases in Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations. UPEI has installed 20 EV charger locations on campus in Charlottetown and four at the Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation. The chargers were funded by the Government of Prince Edward Island’s EV Charging Fund. Western has announced that it will install 74 new EV charging stations across campus. The charging stations will be installed across campus over the next two years in places that are accessible to the campus community. The chargers are part of a $1.48M upgrade that has received funding from Natural Resources Canada.

UPEI, Western

Top Ten News

Jun 01, 2023 • MB

Providence University College has expressed disappointment after a bill to recognize Providence with full “university status” was halted. Providence noted that the NDP Opposition “denied permission to discuss the bill in yesterday’s session, citing procedural rules,” and that the bill will have to be reintroduced later since this was the last opportunity to pass the bill before the summer break began. “While we are disappointed with the outcome of yesterday’s events, we are in this for the long haul,” said Providence President Dr Kenton Anderson. “We are patient but determined, and by God’s grace, we will see this through.”


Top Ten News

Jun 01, 2023 • NB

The University of Fredericton’s online business programs were recently awarded accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree Board of Commissioners. The accreditation certifies that UFred’s programming has met a series of rigorous educational standards evaluated based on the quality of their leadership, academic programs, and faculty credentials, among other factors. “The process of ACBSP accreditation is a long and detailed journey,” said UFred VP of Academics Dr Sheri McKillop. “It has provided us with great opportunities to look at quality and systems in our academic environment and pave the way for continuous improvement.”


Top Ten News

Jun 01, 2023 • NL

A group of protestors recently called upon Memorial University to reinstitute the Ode to Newfoundland in its convocation ceremonies. Memorial dropped the Ode from its ceremonies last year and reaffirmed the decision this past spring. Former students and members of the community protested the decision by singing the anthem at Memorial’s Arts and Culture Centre during the spring convocation ceremonies this week. Saltwire and NTV report that the rally did not disrupt the convocation ceremonies, but instead was meant as a symbolic gesture.

VOCM, Saltwire, NTV (Video), CBC Listen (Radio)

Top Ten News

Jun 01, 2023 • International

New campus leaders need support from subordinate leaders within their institution, write Steven Baule, Ray Martinez, Joel Traver, and Rhea Walker. The authors write that leaders such as the chairs of departments, divisions, or centres should help new leaders such as deans, provosts, or presidents by seizing opportunities to communicate the missions, visions, programs, and outcomes of their units. The authors recommend that chairs meet formally with the new leadership, review the institution’s overall structure, and communicate gaps between the institution’s mission, vision, and goals and reality. Baule, Martinez, Traver, and Walker also recommend that rather than relying on the dean to facilitate proactive communication, departments take initiative to communicate with new deans and set expectations about meetings.

Inside Higher Ed (Acct. Req.)

Top Ten News

Jun 01, 2023 • BC

The British Columbia Institute of Technology has launched a pathways program that lets high school students explore careers in the fields of architecture, construction, and engineering (ACE). This new ACE Fields Microcredential is set to offer work-integrated learning experiences to its first cohort of students this summer. “BCIT is excited to be spearheading this unique ACE initiative,” said BCIT Dean, School of Construction and the Environment Wayne Hand. “Access to paid, industry work placements provide young learners the insight, experience, and connections needed to make informed decisions about their career and education pathways, while giving industry partners the opportunity to attract young people to their vibrant sectors.”


Top Ten News

Jun 01, 2023 • NB

The University of New Brunswick has opened a new licensed Canadian Professional Sales Association (CPSA) exam centre in collaboration with the CPSA. UNB reports that this centre is the first of its kind in Atlantic Canada and will enable graduates of UNB’s accredited business development programs to complete their Certified Sales Professional exam onsite. The exam centre will also provide an accessible pathway to professional designation, thereby attracting more students to UNB and drawing well-qualified workers into the labour market.
